Duke Energy reached an agreement in North Carolina with solar installers to support its original filing. The stipulation provides a gradual transition option from the existing net metering programs for eligible customers, while creating additional future benefits for all of Duke Energy’s customers. The compromise reached is a collaborative effort to accommodate a wide range of interests. This bridge rate will provide customers with an orderly transition option and support the business efforts by the solar installer community.
“As for the Proposed Bridge Rate, it would be offered as a limited alternative to the time-of-use tariffs proposed in the Companies’ Application,” the filing reads. “This alternative rate option would be open to existing and eligible new customers who apply for this option through December 31, 2026, subject to annual capacity caps. Customers electing to take service on the Proposed Bridge Rate may do so for up to 15 years, subject to certain limitations outlined in the Stipulation.”
“The Proposed Bridge Rate includes monthly netting at the applicable avoided cost rate and includes the same monthly minimum bill (MMB) and non-bypassable charge that are included within the NEM tariffs proposed in the Companies’ Application,” the stipulation continues. “However, the Proposed Bridge Rate does not include a grid access fee or mandatory time-of-use rates. The Proposed Bridge Rate would exempt the following customers from the MMB: Homes that are specifically designed for low-income or vulnerable customers (e.g. Habitat for Humanity), LIHEAP beneficiaries, and CIP recipients. The Stipulation includes additional provisions that aim to create benefits to all customers above and beyond the alternative NEM rates outlined above – ranging from additional consumer protection measures to collaboration on the valuation of distributed energy resources.”
“Taken as a whole, the Stipulation provides a gradual transition option from the existing NEM programs for eligible customers, while creating additional future benefits for all of the Companies’ customers,” the filing concludes. “The compromise solution reached by the Stipulating Parties represents a collaborative effort to account for a broad range of interests, while also adhering to the NEM directives and timelines within House Bill 589. The Stipulating Parties are encouraged by this progress and look forward to collaborating on these matters going forward.”
You can read the entire stipulation here.