Comcast has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for 250 MW of solar electricity from Constellation that will power approximately 12% of Comcast’s U.S. operations and the vast majority of its Mid-Atlantic operations with clean, renewable energy.
The agreement will help to construct the Blue Sky Solar Project, currently being built by Scout Clean Energy in Illinois.
“Sourcing clean, renewable energy is the top priority for meeting our goal to be carbon neutral by 2035,” says Peter Kiriacoulacos, executive vice president and chief procurement officer at Comcast. “This marks the first of many major green investments that are already underway or on the immediate horizon which demonstrate our commitment to sustainable, responsible business.”
Comcast is committed towards being carbon neutral by 2035 in regard to Scope 1 and 2 emissions. These are the direct and indirectly emissions it owns and controls across its global operations. Sources of renewable energy are crucial for achieving this goal, as bought electricity accounts for the majority.
Comcast’s renewable energy strategy will prioritize securing green tariffs, direct PPAs, and virtual PPAs through contracts that bring new renewable capacity to the grid. It will include building onsite renewable power capacity and supplementing electricity requirements with purchases from existing clean-energy projects or renewable energy certificates (RECs).
“We commend Comcast on its carbon neutral commitment and are pleased that our offsite renewable solution will serve as a significant steppingstone toward achieving that goal,” states Jim McHugh, chief commercial officer at Constellation. “As our nation transitions to a clean energy future, Constellation is dedicated to offering the products, services and expertise that help our customers strategically manage their energy use and reduce their carbon footprints.”
Comcast will source 250 MW of carbon-free solar electricity from the 300 MW Blue Sky project – a majority share of the project’s total output. Blue Sky is the largest solar project approved in the PJM grid. It spans the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and parts of the Midwest. Comcast is currently the only customer.
Blue Sky will be commercially available by December 2024. Comcast has also signed a 15-year agreement to Constellation, which will allow Constellation to receive energy from Blue Sky beginning in 2025.
“We are pleased to work with Comcast and Constellation to deliver carbon-free solar energy and invest $400 million into the local community, creating new sustained jobs and tax revenue for local schools,” says Michael Rucker, founder and CEO of Scout Clean Energy. “Comcast’s commitment made this possible.”